The field of general dentistry is the field of dentistry that deals with the health of the teeth and gums. It includes everything from preventive care to complex surgeries and restorations. The general dentistry field is wide, requiring specialized education, training, and experience to be a successful practitioner.
General dentists have the opportunity to learn a wide range of skills, which allows them to provide a broad range of dental care to their patients, often times saving them time and money.
Let us look at some advantages of visiting general dentists:
1- General dentists are more accessible than specialty dentists. Dentists usually have flexible hours, which can be helpful to families with young children. General dentists are also available throughout the day, giving parents with young children more convenient access to oral care.
2- General dentists are better equipped to provide oral health care than specialty dentists. They are better trained to provide basic oral health care, such as teeth cleaning and oral health education. This makes it easier for parents with young children to access oral health care without having to make a second trip to the dentist.
3- Lastly, general dentists are more affordable than specialty dentists. A general dentist typically charges less for an oral exam and less for dental services than a specialty dentist. Many general dentists offer a discount for families with children. This means that a family with a young child can visit the dentist more often without breaking the bank.
In conclusion:
Dental decay and gum disease are common in all ages, but they are especially rampant in children and teenagers and are particularly difficult to treat in the young. Hence, general dentistry specializes in handling the health and care of the teeth and gums. It includes the diagnosis, prevention, restoration, and maintenance of the teeth and gums.